Salary Directory San Diego Visual/UI Designers

Visual/UI Designer Salary in San Diego

Visual/UI Designer Job Description

Visual/UI Designers play an increasingly important part in creating aesthetically appealing and effective web layouts, product illustrations, iconography, print materials, presentations and much more. Visual Designers can work independently, but many work within cross sectional teams along with user experience researchers and designers, interaction designers, marketers, salespersons and other key stakeholders.

The ability to communicate effectively is an important skill that an increasing number of companies around the world are seeking. Demand for Visual Designers is expected to rise much faster compared to other professions. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Visual Designer job positions are expected to grow by 12,500 jobs per year through 2026.

Living and Working in San Diego, CA

Known as the birthplace of California, San Diego is the second largest city in the state and is known for its mild year-round climate. There are an estimated 1.4 million people who live in the city. While the region has historically been linked with the defense and military industry, the healthcare and biotechnology sectors are particularly strong. San Diego is home to companies like Nokia, LG Electronics, Kyocera International and Novatel.

There is a rich cultural and arts scene in San Diego, largely influenced by the city‰Ûªs close proximity to Mexico. Popular attractions include the San Diego Museum of Art, San Diego Natural Museum and the Air and Space Museum. Residents also have easy access to Balboa Park, a large urban park that houses recreational facilities and the San Diego Zoo.

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Compare Visual/UI Designer salaries by region

Visual/UI Designers are highest in demand in SF Bay Area, New York, and London. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular:

  1. Seattle
  2. $210,833
  3. SF Bay Area
  4. $177,278
  5. New York
  6. $154,160
  7. Washington D.C.
  8. $148,888
  9. Toronto
  10. C$140,500
  11. Dallas/Ft Worth
  12. $136,666
  13. Los Angeles
  14. $119,500
  15. Chicago
  16. $108,863
  17. London
  18. £104,863
  19. Austin
  20. $92,500
  21. Atlanta
  22. $65,000
  1. Seattle
  2. $210,833
  3. SF Bay Area
  4. $177,278
  5. New York
  6. $154,160
  7. Washington D.C.
  8. $148,888
  9. Toronto
  10. C$140,500
  11. Dallas/Ft Worth
  12. $136,666
  13. Los Angeles
  14. $119,500
  15. Chicago
  16. $108,863
  17. London
  18. £104,863
  19. Austin
  20. $92,500
  21. Atlanta
  22. $65,000
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Where Visual/UI Designers are highest in demand

    Visual/UI Designers are highest in demand in SF Bay Area, New York, and London. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular: